2018(e)ko urriaren 28(a), igandea


        We talked a little about fake news in class and I think this is an important and interesting subject to discuss. Here goes my little about fake news:

        Fake news are those news that have been manipulated or even invented by some channels of communication to attract people's attention. But fake news are not used just to attratc people, they are used too to hide some facts that are against the media's ideology.

        This happens a lot, without going further, in Spain. Last years, on the first october, a 'referendum' was orginized to decide about the future Independence of Catalunya. Spanish pólice acted with violence against those who decided to vote and more tan 900 people were injured. This fact was hidden by some manipulating medias because they did not want to show that atrocity to their country, there were political interests behind that.

         It seems to me that nowadays, every type of media has its own ideology and the information is almost always focused on that ideology. It is very difficult to find a newspaper, TV channel or another type of mass media that is made from 100% objective information.

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina


We had to do a twenty seconds per slide presentation about a city or town. I chose Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. CLICK