2019(e)ko martxoaren 21(a), osteguna
Last week it was the eighth of march, Working Women's International Day. So we were asked to designe some questions about women: feminism, education, influence of society...
This questionary would be answered by different type of people with variety of ages, gender... To know what society thinks about this issue.
We thank you if you answer our questionary:
Harpidetu honetara:
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We had to do a twenty seconds per slide presentation about a city or town. I chose Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. CLICK
We talked a little about fake news in class and I think this is an important and interesting subject to discuss. Here goes my littl...
Here goes our entry about mass media! The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audie...
The film L'une chante l'autre pas is directed by Agnès Varda, it is a French film. The protagonists are Pauline, a 17 years old ...
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