2019(e)ko apirilaren 29(a), astelehena


Last Sunday we had general elections in Spain so we were asked to analyse three posters from the presented political parties. These are mines:

Resultado de imagen de eh bildu erabakiResultado de imagen de ciudadanos poster electoral 2019Resultado de imagen de podemos poster la historia la escribes tu 

      This slogan is from the party Ciudadanos, a right-wing party.
      We can see the leader, Albert Rivera, on the poster with Spanish flags as background.
      It is genious because the phrase has two meanings.For one hand, they are telling the citizens they have power and they encourage them to vote, progress and improve. And for the other hand, as their own name is Ciudadanos (meaning 'citizens') they are doing the publicity of their own party.
      I don't think it is very effective because you don't know whom are talking to, I feel confuse about it because one more time, they are giving more importance to their party than to the people they want to vote them. It is not needed the second meaning.

      This slogan is from the left-wing party Unidas Podemos.
      We see some young people in the poster raising their hand and smiling behind the slogan.
      This slogan is very effective because the party is talking just to you, one by one. The message is powerful because they tell you you can change what usually has been in Spain till this year (the PP-PSOE government) just voting them.
       Not as Ciudadano's poster, UP don't idealize their leader on this poster and they don't mention directly their party. I think that is important in a campaign because you have to get into the poeple.

      This slogan is from the independentist left-wing party Euskal Herria Bildu.
      EH Bildu just did the sloganj, they don't have any poster of their party so I can't comment it.
      Erabaki (decide) or Para avanzar (to progress) are good slogans because as they are an independentist party, they want to make clear they are going to be in Madrid to talk about Basque Country's situation. Erabaki means we can do something to decide about basque future, I can understand they are talking about a referendum or something similar.
      It seems to be effective because their results are higher than other years, I think they make it clear with this slogan and people understood what they wanna do.

iruzkinik ez:

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We had to do a twenty seconds per slide presentation about a city or town. I chose Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. CLICK